Who I Am and Why I Write

I’m an aerospace professional, amateur pilot, travel enthusiast, husband, and dad.

Haven't Landed Yet: the author at the Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I’ve loved writing for a long time. It’s a way for me to better process and lay out my thoughts. And, if I dare say so myself, I’m not too bad at it. And what better way to share that with others, and improve my writing skills, than to put it online?

The question then becomes what to write about. Most people write about what they find most interesting, or their experiences – food, travel, woodworking, you name it. My fear with this is that my interests would be too varied to make cohesive sense. The good news is that most of my interests are at least linked at a high level.

I love everything about things that fly.

Airplanes, and all facets of the world of aviation, have always fascinated me. I currently work as an engineer in the aerospace industry, which means that all the writing I do for my job, though interesting to me, is technical in nature and written for people with a very specific set of background knowledge. One of the things I want to be able to do with this site is convey aerospace concepts to a broader audience. By this I don’t mean teaching aerodynamics in blog post form, but rather just sharing my thoughts and opinions on the world of aerospace.

Why would this be interesting or valuable, you ask? Because engineering isn’t the only side of the industry I see. My fascination with flying things drove me not only to pursue aerospace engineering as a career, but also to earn my Private Pilot Certificate. Seeing the airplane from the cockpit is a decidedly different view from seeing it on the computer screen. It causes me to think about the world of flying from a completely different perspective, which is difficult to express in a single post or paragraph. I hope it comes out more in my writing.

A third facet of my view of the world is my love of travel, including air travel. Sitting in the back of an airplane, large or small, is always exciting to me, and not just because of the wonders of flight (and the industry of flight). The destination to me is every bit as exciting as the journey – it’s all to be enjoyed, no matter the path taken to get there. I’ve even been known to enjoy a good road trip.

There is more to life than flying.

I’m married to a beautiful and amazing woman, and we have one wonderful kid. They are where my priorities lie (and may or may not have been the ones to finally convince me to start writing again). I’m also actively involved in music at my church – I’ve been a lifelong pianist and singer. I enjoy working in the yard and on the house. Suffice it to say that not everything I do is directly connected to airplanes. I try to have balance in my life. And I’ll try to keep this site balanced, too.

That’s not to say I’m going to bore you with my personal life. I’ve written a few different personal blogs before, and typically they served a short-term purpose, with me losing interest or purpose in writing after a while. It will be much easier to stay in a rhythm with a defined subject or set of boundaries. I am going to aim for one post per week to start. Inevitably, I’ll miss a week here or there, but that’s part of the balance of life, isn’t it?

What this site is not

I don’t just want to recreate something that is already being done. There are already numerous sites for aerospace news, pilot stories, flight training, travel tips, airline miles and hotel points, and God knows there are a million travel blogs out there. I have my favorites of all of these – I may even share them in a post someday. But for my own site, I want to do something a bit unique.

I’ll write about aviation, and I’ll write about travel. And I’ll try to connect the dots between them, so there’s a little something for the aviation enthusiast, the casual traveler, and everyone in between. I’ll become a better writer, and hopefully you’ll get something out of it too. Am I entirely sure what it’s going to look like? No – and that’s okay. It may even change over time, and that’s okay too. After all, we haven’t landed yet.

What are you most looking forward to hearing about? Tell me in the comments!

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5 thoughts on “Who I Am and Why I Write

  1. Jeff Wilson

    Hey Xan! Nice post. Looking forward to reading what you have to share. You are off to a great start. (Nice pic. Is that in the Petronas Towers?)

  2. Pingback: How I Took My Family On A Week-Long Vacation And Spent Only $95 On Lodging – Haven't Landed Yet

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