About Me

I’m an aviation professional, travel enthusiast, amateur pilot, husband, and dad.

I have worked in the aviation industry in various roles, primarily within engineering, for 6+ years. I grew up constantly fascinated by things that fly — both the “how” and the “why.” One became my profession, the other my passion. I love visiting new places, not just to see what there is to see, but to engage with culture, shared experiences, and people. I’m also a private pilot – there’s nothing like being in the sky. I’m fortunate enough to be married to a beautiful wife who shares my love of travel and people, and who desires for our kids to engage head-on with the world like we do.

When I’m not behind a computer keyboard, you can probably find me behind a piano.

Connect with me

Pretty much all my social media is @HaventLandedYet. Send me a message on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or email me.

The views and opinions expressed on this site are entirely my own and do not reflect those of my employer.